
Think Pharmacy First

Pharmacists can give you advice on a range of conditions and suggest medicines that can help

Many conditions can be treated without the need to see your GP.

How to Book an Appointment

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Routine (1 - 4 weeks)

I have a non-urgent problem and can wait 1 to 4 weeks to be seen.

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Urgent (same day)

I have an URGENT health concern requiring on the day attention

If you need to see a Doctor urgently on the day (Urgent meaning it is not regarding regular medication, on-going problems), please telephone the surgery on 020 8686 2070 or come in and book an emergency appointment. These are run every day and are only bookable on the day. This means if you phone in the morning, you will be seen that morning. If you phone in the afternoon, you will be seen in the afternoon.

All requests for same day appointments will be passed to the duty doctor (telephone triage) They will discuss your medical problem with you over the telephone. If they are unable to resolve your problem over the telephone then they will book you a face-to-face appointment for that day

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Life Threatening - Go to A&E

If you or someone you know has a life-threatening condition, such as loss of consciousness, chest pain, breathing difficulties etc, you should call 999

In an EMERGENCY call 999.
Emergencies are situations that cannot be managed at home and may be life threatening

Croydon GP Hubs

Need to see a GP but can’t get an appointment? Our GP Hubs can help.

Call NHS 111 before you go to pre-book an appointment or wait to be seen without an appointment at one of our GP Hubs in Central Croydon, Purley, or Parkway.

Find out more about Croydon GP Hubs

We're here for you, for longer

Changes to Weekend and Evening Appointments 

Access to evening and weekend appointments changed from 1st October 2022.

  • Appointments are available to book between 16:00 and 20:00 on weekday evenings and between 09:00 and 17:00 on Saturdays.
  • Face-to-face GP and Nurse appointments as well as telephone/video consultations with Allied Health professionals are bookable. 
  • The location of the Face-to-face appointments is Farley Road Medical Practice, Selsdon.
  • To book an appointment, contact your GP Practice.

Text Message Reminders

A text reminder service now available - please ensure that your mobile phone numbers are updated at reception and you will be able to receive text reminders of your appointments - if you share a mobile number with children, let us know so that we can opt you in to the service.

Those aged 12 to 15 years are unable to use the reminder service due to confidentiality.

Please note that the services uses a mobile number that we are unable to access - please do not send messages to us via this service.